Because you and your neighbors think you can interfere with people through your voting decisions. Government has grown so out of line, 'crime' has no meaning anymore beyond "doing that which some group of humans with guns and cages says, who nobody really consented to or contracted with (they've always been there bullying everyone into paying taxes and obeying edicts)." It certainly doesn't mean what it used to mean anymore!
We as a people need to become even more ungovernable, we need to be the opposite of German and be the most annoying red blooded American caricatures we can be.
Don't join the beehives, they're not worth it! My corollary to Franklin: those who would give up essential sovereignty to gain inclusion into a society deserve and shall receive neither.
Because you and your neighbors think you can interfere with people through your voting decisions. Government has grown so out of line, 'crime' has no meaning anymore beyond "doing that which some group of humans with guns and cages says, who nobody really consented to or contracted with (they've always been there bullying everyone into paying taxes and obeying edicts)." It certainly doesn't mean what it used to mean anymore!
We as a people need to become even more ungovernable, we need to be the opposite of German and be the most annoying red blooded American caricatures we can be.
Don't join the beehives, they're not worth it! My corollary to Franklin: those who would give up essential sovereignty to gain inclusion into a society deserve and shall receive neither.