There was a point in history where medics were not aware of concept of “normal body human temperature”.
Then somebody took a sample of people, and measured their body temp and also asked if they were feeling well.
Average among those who felt well was 36.88 °C (98.38 °F) and that was declared normal. (Then in geneal education books it was rounded+shifted and any variation found by the study forgotten)
I found it quite interesting, because I knew normal temp value whole my life, but never even stopped to think where it came from. (I guess in passing thought I imagined that this value was fundamental constant of the universe derived from quantum physics)
My conclusions:
- Studies by necessity are performed on groups on people.
- when it comes to healing an individual, medical knowledge is huge and complex network of rules of thumb (that work on average but there is no such thing as whole medicine field tailored for you)
- there is no better way (listening to your doctor is a good idea)