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brandonchen11/08/20241 replyview on HN

Good question – here are a few reasons:

- It chooses files to read automatically on each message — unlike Cursor’s composer feature. It also reads a lot more than Cursor's @codebase command. - It takes 0 clicks — Codebuff just edits your files directly (you can always peek at the git diffs to see what it’s doing). - It has full access to your existing tools, scripts, and packages — Codebuff can install packages, run terminal commands and tests, etc. - It is portable to any development environment

We use OpenAI and Anthropic, so unfortunately we have to abide by their policies. But we only grab snippets of your code at any given point, so your codebase isn't seen by any entity in its entirety. We're also considering open-sourcing, so that might be a stronger privacy guarantee.

I should note that my cofounder James uses both and gets plenty of value by combining them. Myself, I'm more of a plain VSCode guy (Zed-curious, I'll admit). But because Codebuff lives in your terminal, it fits in anywhere you need.

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Alright. That gives me some directional signal. I will be interested if you make it open source. We have massive and critical code base so I am always wary of giving access to 3Ps.