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boomskats11/08/20240 repliesview on HN

Don't take it personally or get too discouraged. You are not your product, and you're certainly not your first demo of your first product. But, knowing your competition, how you stack up against them, and how the people you're selling to feel about them, is a huge part of your job as a founder. It will only get more important.

You have to constantly do your research. It is one of those anxiety-inducing tasks that's easy to justify avoiding when all you want to do is code your idea up and there's so much other work to do. But it's your job. Even when you hire someone else to run product for you it'll be your responsibility to own it.

What you've built is cool, a lot of people love it even though they know about the other tools available. Now you know what your main competition does, you also know what it doesn't do, so you get to solve for that - and if you solved the context problem in isolation with treesitter then you're obviously capable.

You'll have realised by now that Aider didn't use treesitter when it started. Instead it used ctags - a pattern-matching approach to code indexing from 40 years ago that doesn't capture signatures or create an ast, it effectively just indexes the code with a bunch of regex. And it's not like treesitter wasn't around when aider was first written. Keep that in mind.

Good luck.