Another thing is, do you get an actual trained and knowledgeable pharmacist, or a technician?
In Poland, pharmacies are required by law to have a MSc in pharmacy present during operating hours - that is, no less than one pharmacist with a Masters degree. One is enough. Which means that's all you get. You may not even see them unless you're buying ADHD meds, which need MSc to sign off on them. Otherwise, you're almost always dealing with a pharmacy technician. Some are pretty knowledgeable[0], others could be replaced by GPT-3.5[1] with net benefit to the customer. The latter type, if they're going to notice anything about you, it's whether you're likely to buy some useless supplement or homeopathic product.
[0] - Probably on their way to MSc in Pharmacy, which is a mistake if they're looking for a pharmacy job - pharmacies don't want people with MSc, there's enough of them around already; they want the cheap technician labor.
[1] - Yes, not even 4.