Using parser combinator library "nom", this should probably do what you'd want:
fn parse_abc(input: &str, n: usize) -> IResult<&str, (Vec<char>, Vec<char>, Vec<char>)> {
let (input, result) = tuple(( many_m_n(n, n, char('a')),
many_m_n(n, n, char('b')),
many_m_n(n, n, char('c'))
Ok((input, result))
It parses (the beginning of) the input, ensuring `n` repetitions of 'a', 'b', and 'c'. Parse errors are reported through the return type, and the remaining characters are returned for the application to deal with as it sees fit.
> this should probably do what you'd want
If you have to specify N, no, it doesn't