> Technically the language is Turing complete at this point, but will be excruciatingly laborious to use, violating my design rule #2.
I stopped at step #1 with my Lambda Diagrams [1]. The bottom of that page links to all other graphical lambda calculus notations I know of (just added this one).
BTW, Firefox' built in translation feature asked if I wanted to translate that page from Greek.
Which means you can now claim that your language made a browser say "It's all Greek to me!", which is a pretty cool achievement I think.
Excruciatingly laborious to read as well. The pixel font and line art is quaint but not ergonomic if you have to strain to read it or discern a wire shape. We left that stuff behind in the 90s when high res displays arrived.
Looks like Sumerian cuneiform to me, cool.
of interest to this site, the Y combinator as a Lambda Diagram: https://tromp.github.io/img/cl/Y.logo.gif