> The big commercial users - traditionally cars and other embedded uses - will not want to be legally obligated to give users the ability to install custom firmware (which GPLv3 basically requires), so they'll still pay for it. Everyone wins.
Yes. And it is even more than that.
Blackberry could have a general QNX verison under AGPLv3 and keep the "safety certified" version proprietary and they would not loose a single customer.
What the automotive world, robotic world and others are paying for is not standalone QNX... it is the safety-critical certified version of QNX.
It is easy to understand: Making an RTOS is easy. Making an RTOS (and a compiler) ASIL-D ISO-26262 certified is a freaking nightmare. And this is why companies are paying for QNX.
Opening the QNX source code under GPL would increase significantly the number of software ported on QNX and consequently the adoption of QNX.
Unfortunately, Blackberry is way too stupid to do it: It is not in their culture. That is very unlikely to happen.