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miningape11/08/20241 replyview on HN

Well now I've got to go check out the go compiler! That sounds really interesting. I was mainly referring to go having a lot more developed concurrency features, which while they're great I didn't really want to use them for my toy language, it seemed like I was throwing away a lot of what makes golang great just because of the nature of my project.

The rest of the golang ecosystem I found really nice actually, and imo it had a really great set of tools for reading/writing to files - and also I like that everything is apart of the go binary, it certainly is easier than juggling between opam and dune (used for OCaml for example).



That's fair, the concurrency features are very handy though optional of course.

The ecosystem and tooling are great, probably the best I've worked with. But the main reason I reach for Go is that it's got tiny mental overhead. There's a handful of language features so it becomes obvious what to use, so you can focus on the actual goal of the project.

There are some warts of course. Heavy IO code can be riddled with err checks (actually, why I find it a bit awkward for servers). Similarly the stdlib is quite verbose when doing file system manipulation, I may try https://github.com/chigopher/pathlib because Python's pathlib is by far my favourite interface.