"AI" videos make many errors all the time, but most people are not aware of what to look for... Undetectable CGI is done in film/games all the time, and indeed it takes talent to hide the fact it is fake.
One could rely on the media encoder to garble output enough to look more plausible (people on potato devices are used to looking at garbage content.) However, at the end of the day the "uncanny valley" effect takes over every-time even for live action data in a auto-generated asset, as the missing data can't be "Magically" recovered with 100% certainty.
Bye =3
Undetectable CGI in games ... right. I don't think you are a gamer.
In movies it can be done with enough of manual tweaking by artists and a lot of photographic content around to borrow sense of reality from it.
"Potato" devices by which I assume you mean average phones, currently have better resolutions than PCs had very recently and a lot still do (1080p).
And a photo on 480p still looks more real than anything CGI (not AI).
Your signature is hilarious. I won't comment about the reasons because I don't want this whole thread to get flagged.