In your opinion, should any government agency monitor truth of claims, or is this all outsourced to private things like consumer reports? Is it class action lawsuits?
And in the case of drug effectiveness, isn't this a very expensive endeavor, where the primary source of funding would be the companies themselves biasing results?
In this case we had companies happily selling us ineffective drugs, not because the FDA wanted it, but because they did not reject it. In a world without the FDA, what entity rejects?
In your opinion, should any government agency monitor truth of claims, or is this all outsourced to private things like consumer reports? Is it class action lawsuits?
And in the case of drug effectiveness, isn't this a very expensive endeavor, where the primary source of funding would be the companies themselves biasing results?
In this case we had companies happily selling us ineffective drugs, not because the FDA wanted it, but because they did not reject it. In a world without the FDA, what entity rejects?