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MortyWaves11/08/20241 replyview on HN

I will always maintain that browsers and maybe even the OS should ship with a set of popular and well used fonts instead of just the same five """system""" fonts. Serving Inter, Open Sans, Roboto, Lato, and the like over and over and over and over does nothing except waste electricity.

This is usually the point where whataboutism strikes and people "require" conversations around what constitutes a popular font. Browsers are already full of analytics and can record this. Google Fonts serves probably billions of font requests a day, so they can record this.

Have the usual Big Tech bunch agree to start shipping the top, say 100, most popular fonts in their OS and/or browsers.



Browsers should also come packages with the most popular is libraries like jQuery, bootstrap, vue, d3, etc (not a real list, just off the top of my head)

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