OpenWater wiki > Neuromodulation:
OpenwaterHealth/opw_neuromod_sw: :
> OpenWater's Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Platform. open-LIFU is an ultrasound platform designed to help researchers transmit focused ultrasound beams into subject’s brains, so that those researchers can learn more about how different types of ultrasound beams interact with the neurons in the brain. Unlike other focused ultrasound systems which are aimed only by their placement on the head, open-LIFU uses an array to precisely steer the ultrasound focus to the target location, while its wearable small size allows transmission through the forehead into a precise spot location in the brain even while the patient is moving.
FWIU NIRS is sufficient for most nontherepeautic diagnostics though. (Non-optogenetically, infrared light stimulates neuronal growth, and blue and green lights inhibit neuronal growth)