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Cthulhu_11/08/20243 repliesview on HN

It's individualism vs collectivism (if I got my terms right), with one side being "got mine, fuck you", whereas the other says that we're better together.

Take wealth distribution, on the one side we have the super and hyper-rich who live like kings, on the other we have the working poor who are one paycheck or bill away from bankruptcy and/or homelessness. Kings and serfs.



There were different kinds of kings though - before a certain point in the history of most countries kings had to actively fight and wage war to achieve and maintain their positions. Over time this became more of a position where the king would deserve their positions simply by having ancestors who were "stupendous badasses" but otherwise actually had to do very little.

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Why does the opinion of any ‘side’ outweigh the opinions of any other ‘side’, beyond the ballot box?

Seems more sensible to just assume they all negate each other out in the long run, unless proven otherwise by voting records.

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> the super and hyper-rich who live like kings,

Including having lots of offsprings. Apparently, "not procreating to save the planet" is for the poor.