Wow, I love this -- all the more so because it's implemented in Javascript! The purists are spinning in their beds/graves, but it clearly made the visualization and audio followup steps easier, at the very least. The visuals are killer, and the obvious next step is to somehow translate the higher-level structure of existing programs into this; I would imagine nerds would pay good money to get Djikstra's algorithm on their wall, or an ANN backprop algorithm.
I did find this part funny:
One interesting problem that I did not anticipate while imagining the language was that it turned out so purely functional and absolutely state-less, that it becomes impossible to implement a "print" statement, for to print is to change state, to expect some things to be printed in some particular order is to assume that some expressions will be evaluated in some order.
Isn't this just to say "not imperative"? Regardless, it does make me wonder how one would encode state... maybe introduce variables (icon + color?) and have individual statements ordered on one or both axes?