I agree, it’s a new/old methodology disguised in a rant.
To your last point that we’ve come full circle.
Maybe that’s exactly how things evolve. Start small, get large and complex, cut back to become simple again.
While it might sound like a circle, I believe that it’s an evolution. Things improve over time with each iteration.
> Maybe that’s exactly how things evolve. Start small, get large and complex, cut back to become simple again.
I like to think it is! Two steps forward, one step back, but overall advancing slowly.
> we’ve come full circle.
We never went anywhere. I had such high hopes for the agile manifesto when I first read it in 1999. "Whew," I though, "finally, they realize that software can't be managed like an automobile assembly line." Nope, they just rebranded the "manage software like an automobile assembly line" methodology as... AGILE! Don't get me wrong - the signatories on the agile manifesto did seem to understand how to realistically plan and manage software. Nobody else who read it and had any position of authority seemed to.