Ooh. I found the original email from him.
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 22:16:04 -0500
Subject: Your files :)
Hi, John.
Thanks for your order. Here are your files... and I included a
"You've got mail, John" file, too. Enjoy!!
El Edwards
So, now I can upload "Use the source, Luke!" (https://soundcloud.com/john-graham-cumming/use-the-source-lu...) and "You've got mail, John!" (https://soundcloud.com/john-graham-cumming/youve-got-mail-jo...).
What a cool piece of internet history. (And awesome that he was a good sport)
JGC, you seem to be one of those people that always has a finger in many little internet trivia things.
I'd be bold to say, almost like a Forrest Gump of the internet.