> Apple's was actually super late to the nvme storage party
I'm not sure what you're talking about here, because Apple was one of the first PC OEMs to adopt PCIe storage, and very quickly followed that up with a transition to NVMe. This was circa 2015. They just didn't use the M.2 connector, and when they introduced the T2 chip they stopped using third-party SSDs in favor of their own built-in NVMe SSD controller.
Also, I don't think PCIe gen5 SSDs are being shipped in laptops yet (at least not in any significant volume), on account of the extra speed being completely not worth the power cost. Much like the transition from gen3 to gen4, availability of SSDs that are only suitable for desktops with large heatsinks comes long before availability of reasonably-efficient SSD controllers. Eg. Samsung's PM9E1 SSD for PC OEMs only started mass production a month ago: https://news.samsung.com/global/samsung-starts-mass-producti...
Nvme hardware started coming out in 2011. Yes, 4 yrs later Apple introduced it too. That's kinda "years later" of you didn't notice.