Do you have an opinion on using N2O (laughing gas) as an energy carrier?
2 molecules of N2O exothermically react to form 2 x N2 and 1 x O2 molecules, approximately the same composition as our atmosphere.
It is a very potent greenhouse gas, so quite disturbing on that front.
I've been making calculation for designing earth suits, where the suit replaces the home, internal showering, ventilation, heat recovery etc. Using N2O for heating looks rather promising because with fossil fuels one is forced to lose heat by inefficient heat exchange or forced to be exposed to the exhaust fumes; laughing gas decomposed is just warm atmosphere like air.
I have no opinions about most chemistry. I do know that the heaviest recreational users develop issues due to it being neurotoxic, so that's worth considering.
I don't know if your designs are technical or world-building for a story? If the latter, I'd suggest as I've had good conversations there, if the former perhaps (but not as a recommendation because I'm not a chemist) would help?