No, I won't. Your request is unreasonable. You posted a claim that is not true. This bug has nothing to do with the Mach layer of XNU, and the blog post has enough detail to explain why. When I call you out on that, you don't get to retreat to an absurd position and ask me to substantiate it: there's probably six degrees of separation between what I ate for breakfast and these bugs shipping. This is something that is basically impossible to falsify, but also deeply uninteresting. So I am not going to entertain it for you.
No, I won't. Your request is unreasonable. You posted a claim that is not true. This bug has nothing to do with the Mach layer of XNU, and the blog post has enough detail to explain why. When I call you out on that, you don't get to retreat to an absurd position and ask me to substantiate it: there's probably six degrees of separation between what I ate for breakfast and these bugs shipping. This is something that is basically impossible to falsify, but also deeply uninteresting. So I am not going to entertain it for you.