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majikaja11/09/20241 replyview on HN

If you want to be respected (but not 'integrate') as a foreigner by traditional society in Japan it's good to work at a prestigious place where there are few Japanese people such as an embassy. Failing that a gaishikei company that sounds foreign to people who don't know better but isn't (likely >90% Japanese). Or just be rich (this may also involve being very picky or completely averse to working with the native population).



I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed if they go to Japan expecting the same social structures they enjoyed in the west to exist in the same form, just hidden somewhere behind the language barrier.

Don't even expect the drinks after work culture, a lot of that has disappeared. It was a thing when people actually had hopes that showing loyalty to a company would improve their lives.

If you want to enjoy life just watch videos of expats chilling in places Thailand for inspiration. Otherwise you may become like the Japanese people and end up bored and wanting to leave.

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