Outer Wilds DLC is also amazing yeah :)))) . They managed to keep surprising the player with hidden-in-plain-sight stuff. Also, the soundtrack is a-ma-zing, https://andrewprahlow.bandcamp.com/album/outer-wilds-echoes-...
> Outer Wilds is in my all time Top 3 games ever made
Hey, same, it's at spot #3 of my "absolute best" list, https://ronan.jouchet.fr/games#outerwilds . The list I was sharing my "for non-gamers" list, and I stand by the fact that Outer Wilds has non-negligible chances to be a bad experience for very-non-gamers. I know it because I've seen it:
1. The very-non-gamer has zero chance of being able to navigate a 3d space before many hours of manipulating a twin-stick gamepad or kb+mouse ...
2. ... And some of them even get nausea from the 6-axis degrees of freedom spacecraft navigation needed by games like Outer Wilds or Descent!
Oh, I see a few on there I'd like to try out, thanks!
That's a great list! I like that you even played small indie games like Slipways, which I found tons of fun! Bookmarked, our tastes are very similar