> The reason we’re not all using Haskell is because like any language it has pros and cons and isn’t the best choice for every niche.
Exactly. Thanks for reiterating.
> Anyway, why do Go fans always reach for the Haskell strawman in discussions like this?
What's a Go fan? Someone who thinks that Go blows? That is as bizarre as becoming enamoured by a language. What leads one to have feelings about a language anyway? It is an impossible to understand concept for me.
> Even JavaScript, Python and Java are not allergic to adding modern features like iterator map/filter/etc.
In what world are patterns from the 1960s "modern"? Do you consider selt belts in cars to also be a modern feature?
> What leads one to have feelings about a language anyway?
Not a single person reading this thread believes that you are a coolly detached rational observer
Responding to an argument by not only pretending not to have an opinion, but pretending not to understand the concept of having an opinion, is a very interesting rhetorical strategy. Not sure it works