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JohnMakinlast Tuesday at 7:16 PM1 replyview on HN

As an older competitive gamer, I liked the part of this that describes how on injury or amputation the middle finger will quickly take over the index duties - I’ve noticed over the years that when my “trigger” finger on a controller is experiencing tendonitis and I have to rest it, that my middle finger performs just as adequately and I barely notice. This has always surprised me.


greenmartianyesterday at 1:26 AM

I've got the inverse problem. Middle is my trigger finger. And when it's tired, I fall back to using the index finger. With games that are sensitive to analog trigger levels (e.g. car throttle), it's extremely noticeable how much my precision degrades when using the index.

Always chalked it up to not enough practice. After reading this paper, I feel somewhat vindicated. It's not my fault, it's the finger's.