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peanut-walruslast Tuesday at 8:04 PM3 repliesview on HN

Can we please stop naming things after directions? I don't want to shift left/right/up/down and my data center has no north/south/east/west. Just say what you actually want to say without obfuscating.


sitkackyesterday at 2:05 AM

Chip design is full of ridiculous terms that don't mean what they say. You kinda just have to go with it, or it will drive you mad.

sophacleslast Tuesday at 8:52 PM

I guarantee your data center has a north, south, east and west. I'm willing to bet that the north, south, east and west of your data center are the same as the north, south, east and west of the office I'm sitting in!

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CGamesPlayyesterday at 2:30 AM

Yeah, should be "shift inline-start", for better i18n.