I did a very similar project a few months back. My goal was to help alleviate some of the RSI issues I have, and give myself a different input device.
The precision was always tricky, and while fun, i eventually abandoned the project and switched to face tracking and blinking so i didn't have to hold up my hand.
For some reason the idea of pointing my webcam down, didn't dawn on me ever. I then discovered Project Gameface and just started using that.
Happy programming thank you for the excellent write up and read!
Similar situation here, super interested in hearing how well gameface works for you. Do you use it for non-gaming as well?
I've succeeded in fully replacing the keyboard (I use Talon voice) but find replacing the mouse tougher. Tried eyetracking but could never get it accurate enough not to be frustrating.
I'm curious how your experience is using Gameface for day-to-day tasks like coding. I assume you still use a keyboard for typing, but what about selecting blocks of text or general navigation?
Glad you enjoyed reading it! I just checked Project Gameface demo [1], and really cool that it is accurate enough for drawing text, I wonder what it is tracking. Are you still using it?
[1] https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-project-gameface/