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n8henrielast Wednesday at 2:01 PM2 repliesview on HN

I don't know what exponential weighted covariance is, but I've had pretty good luck converting time series-based analyses from pandas to polars (for patient presentations to my emergency department -- patients per hour, per day, per shift, etc.). Resample has a direct (and easier IMO) replacement in polars, and there is group_by_dynamic.

I've had trouble determining whether one timestamp falls between two others across tens of thousands of rows (with the polars team suggesting I use a massive cross product and filter -- which worked but excludes the memory requirement), whereas in pandas I was able to sort the timestamps and thereby only need to compare against the preceding / following few based on the index of the last match.

The other issue I've had with resampling is with polars automatically dropping time periods with zero events, giving me a null instead of zero for the count of events in certain time periods (which then gets dropped from aggregations). This has caught me a few times.

But other than that I've had good luck.


short_sells_poolast Wednesday at 3:29 PM

I'm curious how is polars group_by_dynamic easier than resample in pandas. In pandas if I want to resample to a monthly frequency anchored to the last business day of the month, I'd write:

> my_df.resample("BME").apply(...)

Done. I don't think it gets any easier than this. Every time I tried something similar with polars, I got bogged down in calendar treatment hell and large and obscure SQL like contraptions.

Edit: original tone was unintentionally combative - apologies.

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cmdlineluserlast Wednesday at 9:46 PM

> cross product and filter

`.join_where()`[1] was also added recently.

[1]: https://docs.pola.rs/api/python/stable/reference/dataframe/a...