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JoshTriplettyesterday at 2:10 PM3 repliesview on HN

You could potentially build on stable Rust by emitting the breakpoint instructions yourself, at least on popular platforms. For instance, `core::arch::asm!("int3")` on x86, or `core::arch::asm!("brk #1")` on ARM.

Also, this is providing motivation to want to stabilize a breakpoint mechanism, perhaps `core::arch::breakpoint()`. I'm going to propose an API Change Proposal (ACP) to the libs-api team to see if we can provide that in stable Rust.


amlutoyesterday at 4:50 PM

Plain int3 is a footgun: the CPU does not keep track of the address of the int3 (at least not until FRED), and it reports the address after int3. It’s impossible to reliably undo that in software, and most debuggers don’t even try, and the result is a failure to identify the location of the breakpoint. It’s problematic if the int3 is the last instruction in a basic block, and even worse if the optimizer thinks that whatever is after the int3 is unreachable.

If Rust’s standard library does this, please consider using int3;nop instead.

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estebankyesterday at 6:58 PM

Having a feature like this will significantly increase the demand of better incremental compilation, potentially with the need for patching specific items on existing binaries for speed. At that point you could get very close to an IDE debugging experience/speed with only rustc, a text editor and a debugger. (Inserting a bunch of NOPs on every function and supporting patching of JMPs in their place would likely go a long way for this.)

BrainBaconyesterday at 2:57 PM

Thanks, yeah I considered using the instructions directly, but I was hoping for a more cross-platform option. For my purposes, developing in the Bevy engine, nightly isn't a huge blocker. Yeah, it would be really great to just have breakpoint support in stable Rust, thanks for doing the proposal! I'll consider stable support in the meantime.

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