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sxpyesterday at 6:22 PM1 replyview on HN

https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.06493 is the paper. If I'm understanding it correctly, the camera isn't actually capturing a pulse of light. Instead, it's recording single pixels from a 10MHz series of pulses using a single pixel camera that rotates around the object. Then uses this time-series of data to render a video of a "single" virtual pulse via a NeRF.

The "AI" in the title appears to be click bait since the paper doesn't mention AI, and a NeRF isn't really AI in the colloquial sense even though it uses a DNN.


variadixyesterday at 7:28 PM

If you have something periodic in time you can get high time resolution of what looks like a single event by taking multiple periodic captures with tiny phase offsets. It’s a neat capability

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