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jbogganyesterday at 6:30 PM4 repliesview on HN

My friends make a cocktail with Malort, White Monster, and C4 preworkout. They also have a multi-year running gag where they offer me a bottle of fine whiskey or bourbon at a campfire but it has in fact been replaced by Malort. Then, when I am choking and gagging someone else offers me some water to wash away the taste, which is in fact also Malort.


defenyesterday at 7:56 PM

> Malort, White Monster, and C4 preworkout

What do they call this cocktail? I suggest "Malörtal Kombat".

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alana314yesterday at 6:50 PM

That's so funny. Water doesn't even wash away the taste anyway

tptacekyesterday at 7:37 PM

There remain jurisdictions in the United States where it is legal to shoot someone for replacing water with Malort.

MisterTeayesterday at 6:50 PM

> My friends make a cocktail with Malort, White Monster, and C4 preworkout.

Fuck me I almost gagged reading that. The rest is just a horror story. That would be the camping trip I return from alone and immediately call a criminal defense lawyer.