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chottocharaiilast Wednesday at 10:44 PM3 repliesview on HN

I don't understand this perspective. Why should I resent the creation of value from behaviours that I would be doing anyway.


jillyboellast Wednesday at 10:50 PM

Because the goal is to replace you with a machine and to widen the poverty gap. Also because I do not consent to it.

Are you also fine with taking pictures of pretty women on the street (hey, they'd be walking there anyway) and posting them online and farming ad revenue? Or training a model on their likeness for porn?

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forgetfreemanlast Wednesday at 10:52 PM

You're mislabeling rent-seeking as value creation. Perhaps this is the root of your misunderstanding?

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UltraSanelast Wednesday at 11:44 PM

Because AI is going to create a world where only a few hundred trillionaires and a few thousand billionaires exist while everyone else is in desperate poverty.