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slashnodeyesterday at 11:53 PM6 repliesview on HN

I've been surprised by the number of companies adopting nextjs as their defacto framework without concern for the uncomfortable reality that the framework is built to be hosted on vercel with self hosting largely supported as an afterthought. It's great that opennext exists, but it really shouldn't _have_ to exist (as I believe some of the maintainers have publicly stated)


jmathaitoday at 12:27 AM

I’m uncomfortable using most JS frameworks. The churn is so high and something new comes out every couple of years.

At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old developer, I am currently using minimal JS, native when possible and jquery as needed. The UX is just fine. Some pages have interactive JS but most reload the page. I have a hard time imagining this isn’t an option for most web apps.

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switztoday at 12:56 AM

It doesn't have to exist - I run next.js self hosted and it's arguably better than hosting on vercel (no cold starts, dedicated cpu, next to my api server/db).

paxystoday at 1:15 AM

I don't know why people keep saying this. There are some features of Next.js that are better supported on Vercel. That doesn't mean that you have to use Vercel. In fact if you are just building a static React site without any server components (so, 99% of sites created with Next.js) then it makes literally no difference where you deploy it.

e-clintontoday at 12:31 AM

Deploying next.js on containers, AWS Amplify, digital ocean, Netlify, etc is trivial. Such a strange statement to read.

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threetonesuntoday at 12:20 AM

Next, as is, works fine self hosted? Certainly not everyone needs serverless functions split out like Vercel does.

I’m more surprised because it often feels like Next is slowly rediscovering the last 20 years of web frameworks in janky, somewhat broken steps.

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willsmith72today at 1:03 AM

Remix is growing, and when react router 7 lets you add SSR into any react SPA, I would guess next's market share will slowly shrink in part for that reason