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alexey-salminlast Wednesday at 11:57 PM1 replyview on HN

> There needs to be some kind of work product doctrine, which protects the privacy of routine business communication

Funny really that it was Eric Schmidt who said on the topic of privacy: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."

"... except if you're a corporate employee in a routine business conversation" – added Schmidt after some additional consideration.


lubujacksonlast Thursday at 12:07 AM

But.. but.. ethics will degrade if you can't do illegal things!

Call me jaded, but if my 8 person company could say " maybe we should get legal advice before doing that" I am not going to wring my hands over poor, persecuted Google. They've become an ad company with some web tools on top.