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firecalltoday at 12:19 AM1 replyview on HN

Interestingly, when I was part of a weight loss diet study at my local university I actually gained muscle whilst losing weight.

I had multiple full body dexascans during the programme.

I didn’t change my exercise routine at all. I wasn’t hitting the gym or doing weights, just my usual basic cardio.

And I gained muscle and lost ~10kilos in weight.

It wasn’t much muscle, but the amount of muscle was higher than before.


philipbjorgetoday at 12:27 AM

The latest research I’ve pulled suggests that DEXA scans are fairly inaccurate and aren’t a reliable way to measure body composition even for the same person across time.

MRI is the gold standard, everything else is pretty loosely goosey.

Sorry, no references but this comes up pretty often in the science based lifting communities on Reddit and YouTube if you want to learn more.

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