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Figstoday at 12:52 AM3 repliesview on HN

> If you go back in time just a few decades, this is how it was: you paid for it, either in cash or with a PRIVATE loan, and people didn't see college as an automatic requirement. Then it was 1/10th as expensive.

...if you go back in time a few decades basically everything was about 1/10th as expensive.

e.g. "Adjusted for inflation, $1.00 in 1960 is equal to $10.43 in 2024" according to https://www.dollartimes.com/inflation/inflation.php?amount=1...


mportelatoday at 12:56 PM

Sure, but education (and healthcare) costs grew much faster than the inflation.

"The average annual cost of tuition at a public 4-year college is 40 times higher than tuition in 1963.


After adjusting for currency inflation, college tuition has increased 197.4% since 1963."


mminer237today at 4:36 AM

Tuition is like 3–5 times the price even adjusted for inflation though

baqtoday at 6:19 AM

Costs ballooned in real terms.