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AlphaWeavertoday at 2:01 AM4 repliesview on HN

Imagine how those of us who played Ingress (Niantic's first game) feel... We were tricked into contributing location data for the game we loved, only to see it reused for the far more popular (and profitable) Pokemon Go.


sangnoirtoday at 2:15 AM

Why would anyone take issue with this? Asking as someone who tried both games at different points.

Niantic was always open with the fact that they gather location data, particularly in places cars can't go - I remember an early blog post saying as much before they were unbundled from Google. No one was tricked, they were just not paying attention.

try_the_basstoday at 4:02 AM

I didn't feel tricked. Still don't.

They were pretty up-front about it bring a technology demo for a game engine they were building. It was obvious from the start that they would build future games on the same platform.

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lithiumiitoday at 2:25 AM

As long as they make enough money from Pokemon Go to sustain Ingress, I OK with that.

jcpham2today at 2:14 AM

The Google - Niantic - Ingress - borg - kubernetes conspiracy must be unraveled