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tomsonjtoday at 2:46 AM4 repliesview on HN

chisel is a similar tool in this space https://github.com/jpillora/chisel

I don’t get why headers and requests need to be spoofed if all traffic is over https?


mhiotoday at 3:30 AM

The headers are seen by the monster-in-the-middle CDN.

It's obfuscation at best. I'm not sure the encrypted traffic will look particularly php-ish for example. Compressed formats might look vaguely passable.

I can't see any stenography code or libraries in the repo.

coretxtoday at 4:58 AM

Because SNI. Also, State (sponsored) Actors are certificate authorities. HTTPS is the biggest scam in internet history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication

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duskwufftoday at 5:22 AM

> I don’t get why headers and requests need to be spoofed if all traffic is over https?

Because the traffic is to a CDN endpoint (like Cloudflare) which expects it to be a HTTP message.

Titan2189today at 3:01 AM

> I don’t get why headers and requests need to be spoofed if all traffic is over https?


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