chisel is a similar tool in this space
I don’t get why headers and requests need to be spoofed if all traffic is over https?
Because SNI. Also, State (sponsored) Actors are certificate authorities. HTTPS is the biggest scam in internet history.
> I don’t get why headers and requests need to be spoofed if all traffic is over https?
Because the traffic is to a CDN endpoint (like Cloudflare) which expects it to be a HTTP message.
> I don’t get why headers and requests need to be spoofed if all traffic is over https?
The headers are seen by the monster-in-the-middle CDN.
It's obfuscation at best. I'm not sure the encrypted traffic will look particularly php-ish for example. Compressed formats might look vaguely passable.
I can't see any stenography code or libraries in the repo.