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onionisafruitlast Thursday at 4:26 AM3 repliesview on HN

This post’s replies makes it clear a lot of us don’t recognize humor. Do people really think MyFitnessPal is trying to build a model of the average pantry?


gretchlast Thursday at 6:52 AM

The humor isn’t recognized because the humor isn’t there. To be funny there has to be a setup, a punchline, some kinda joke structure. Humor isn’t just saying false things…

Imagine a comedian saying this on stage, how many laughs would that get?

> Do people really think MyFitnessPal is trying to build a model of the average pantry?

We’ve all seen dumber things that are real. Juicero is my personal favorite example.

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ryanschaeferlast Thursday at 4:30 AM

Who knows what is next

tgsovlerkhgsellast Thursday at 4:56 AM

The problem is that it's not possible to make a parody of an unethical company so blatant that it wouldn't also be a 100% plausible description of a business practice that some company actually does...

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