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ashoeafootlast Thursday at 6:39 AM1 replyview on HN

That world we life in sure feels innovative ..not. 1 new thing per day,with 8 billion humans alive and connected. The web promising the new edison or tesla, meanwhile those two lifed in a time of mass book copying without repercussions. Copyright is toxic, extractive landlording , mining innovationspaces with penalties and bureaucracies. Its deeply anti-libertarian on an individual level.

People should be allowed to violate copyright all they want, but if they create something comercial the "inspiring work" as derived from the consumption history should get a kickback.


jjthebluntlast Thursday at 8:23 PM

> the new edison or tesla, meanwhile those two lifed in a time of mass book copying without repercussions

What machines were used in the late 1800s to early 1900s to mass copy books?