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shrubhub11/21/20243 repliesview on HN

But also, some people are stupid, right?



Intellect is like a gas, it will expand to fill its container. The container, in humans, is epigenetic and social — genetics only determines how hot or cold your gas is, ie how fast and how fluidly it expands, but you’re taught your limits — it’s best to see stupid as not how limited you are relative to other but what limits you have now and may abandon in the future.

That said, some people received a smaller starting container, and might need some help cracking it. That’s the work of those who think they’ve found a bigger one.


The inborn part is how quickly you get results (good or bad). Stupidity is the results.

If we spent 50% of time thinking productively - inborn thinking speed would matter. But in my estimate even 5% is generous.

So it matters far more what kind of feedback you have to filter out the wrong results, and how much time you spend thinking - than how quickly you can do it.

Also practice helps with speed.