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kristopolous11/21/20242 repliesview on HN

there's thinking mathematically and then there's being able to fluently read math articles on wikipedia as if they're easier than ernest hemingway. I can do the former and the latter I will insist until my grave is impossible for me.



I used to judge myself for not understanding everything in math articles on Wikipedia, but as time has gone on I've realized that their purpose isn't really to be an introduction, but a reference. Especially as the topics become more esoteric. So they're not really there for you to learn things from scratch, but for people who already understand them to look things up. Which is why you'll sometimes see random obscure & difficult factoids in articles about common mathematical concepts.

(don't have any examples on-hand atm, this is just my general perception after years of occasionally looking things up there)

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I have a lot of trouble reading math formulas, implemented as code I understand most stuff though. Is there a good math book or something similar that teaches things using code or helps translating formulas to code?

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