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XajniN11/21/20242 repliesview on HN

Reading most of the answers here, I can only conclude most of you were home schooled or went to some fancy schools for gifted children.

An average human is unable to even write properly. Even basic mathematical operations like multiplication and division are too complicated from their perspective.



God that's one of the most pessimistic views of humanity I've seen on the web, and I'm pretty pessimistic. Developed nations have a 99.2% literacy rate per wikipedia. 69% of OECD students meet "level 2" mathematical proficiency (https://www.oecd.org/en/topics/sub-issues/mathematics-litera...), which indicates an understanding above the basic mathematical operators like multiplication and division.

FWIW I did not go to any fancy school, I was educated in the state system.


Not sure about schools for gifted, but I think lots of people here a bit live in bubbles.

Maybe industrialized countries, a bit better off neighborhoods, STEM classes in high school, and then university? (Not everyone but ... Most here?)