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"High school students are often unhappy with math, because they think it requires some innate things that they don’t have,” Bessis said. “But that’s not true; really it relies on the same type of intuition we use every day."

Agreed, but from my observation mathematics is often taught with a rigor that's more suited to students with a highly mathematical and or scientific aptitude (and with the assumption that students will progress to university-level mathematics), thus this approach often alienates those who've a more practical outlook towards the subject.

Mathematics syllabuses are set by those with high mathematical knowledge and it seems they often lose sight of the fact that they are trying to teach students who may not have the aptitude or skills in the subject to the degree that they have.

From, say, mid highschool onwards students are confronted with a plethora of mathematical expressions that seemingly have no connection their daily lives or their existence per se. For example students are expected to remember the many dozens of trigonometrical identities that litter textbooks (or they did when I was at school), and for some that's difficult and or very tedious. I know, I recall forgetting a few important identities at crucial moments such as in the middle of an exam.

Perhaps a better approach—at least for those who are seemingly disinterested in (or with a phobia about) mathematics—would be to spend more time on both the historical and practical side of mathematics.

Providing students with instances of why earlier mathematicians (earlier because the examples are simpler) struggled with mathematical problems and why many mathematical ideas and concepts not only preceded but were later found to be essential for engineering, physics and the sciences generally to advance would, I reckon, go a long way towards easing the furtive more gently into world of mathematics and of mathematical thinking.

Dozens of names come to mind, Euclid, Descartes, Fermat, Lagrange, Galois, Hamilton and so on. And I'd wager that telling students the story of how the young head-strong Évariste Galois met his unfortunate end—unfortunate for both him and mathematics—would never be forgotten by students even if they weren't familiar with his mathematics—which of course they wouldn't be. That said, the moment Galois' name was mentioned in university maths they'd sit up and take instant note.

Yes, I know, teachers will be snorting that there just isn't time in the syllabus for all that stuff, my counterargument is that it makes no sense if you alienate students and turn them off mathematics altogether. Clearly, a balance has to be struck, tailoring the subject matter to suit students would seem the way with the more mathematically inclined being taught deeper theoretical/more advanced material.

I always liked mathematics especially calculus as it immediately made sense to me and I always understood why it was important for a comprehensive understanding of the sciences. Nevertheless, I can't claim that I was a 'natural' mathematician in the more usual context of those words. I struggled with some concepts and some I didn't find interesting such as parts of linear algebra.

Had some teacher taken the time to explain its crucial importance in say physics with some examples then I'm certain my interest would have been piqued and that I'd have showed more interest in learning the subject.