I don't think UBI is feasible, it is anathema to the human condition to be content with the bare minimum. if not for our own selves, we would want the best life possible for our loved ones (present or future). my "UBI" would be a couple of million dollars.
I want to learn those subjects because I enjoy learning and understanding. Life should be lived with knowledge applied through wisdom.
> Could you volunteer me how much time you spend on it? And how is your day job?
On entertainment? I can't tell you, I like to watch a movie or a tv show whenever I have time for it. There are more enjoyable pursuits in life, and most worthy pursuits involve adversity and require perseverance.
> my "UBI" would be a couple of million dollars.
There's a difference between what your human brain would become accustomed to (which you'd be right, it'd scale up and up forever) versus what would allow the base level of health and opportunity. As in, not having to worry about eating the next day.
And because you're right that human brains strive for more wealth, UBI should grant you the opportunity to pursue it without fear of failure.
> I don't think UBI is feasible, it is anathema to the human condition to be content with the bare minimum.
Hm? That is exactly why UBI works, no? As the name indicates, the bare minimum is taken care so that you can work towards "the best life possible for our loved ones" without worrying about starving, sickness or homelessness.
In contrast, if you were wrong and people would be content with the bare minimum, then UBI would be a bad idea. Though then they could just commit some felonies and be content with having a cell, bread and water for the rest of their lives, no?