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samatman11/21/20241 replyview on HN

> I see that many people are confused [...] by my take that math talent isn't primarily a matter of genes

Speaking only for myself, I'm not confused at all. Rather I vigorously disagree with this statement, and think that stumping for this counterfactual premise leads to cruel behavior towards children (in particular) who plainly do not have what it takes to learn, for example and in particular, algebra.

> In other words: the people who run the mathematical 100m in under a second don't think it's because of their genes.

This is not their subject of expertise, and they are simply wrong. Why? Simpson's Paradox, ironically.



I think you really are confused. You are mistakenly equating "non-primarily genetic" with "easily teachable".

The story is much more complex than "if it's not genetic then everybody should get it". It's quite cruel to assume that if you don't get math today you'll never get it, and there are tons of documented counter-examples of kids who didn't get it at all who end up becoming way above average.

If you think that Descartes, Newton, Einstein, Feynman, Grothendieck (to just cite a few) are all equally misled on their own account because of Simpson's Paradox, which statistical result will to bring to the table to justify that YOU are right?

By the way, Stanislas Dehaene, one of the leading researchers on the neuroscience of mathematical cognition, is also on my side.

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