Have stereograms advanced in some way over the past 30 years? I know how silly that sounds, but: I remember back in the day when the fad first broke, spending minutes, many minutes, trying "get" it. And having to focus (heh) on focusing my eyes. And sometimes failing. I haven't looked at a stereogram since then until now.
And these were easy. The first one literally took 15 seconds to "drop in." The second maybe ten. The third was near-instant. The only one that gave me any trouble was the continuous function one like an egg crate, with no sharp edges, just dropping down and up. That took maybe twenty seconds, and once I recognized what I was looking for, it was easy.
So has the technique changed/improved? Or has my brain changed?
I've always been pretty quick to see the hidden image, but I could see these faster than ever - almost instantaneously, even the first one. I wonder if it's something to do with me having stared at a screen for a decade since the last time I saw a stereogram...
I recently learned that there are two views: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParallelView/ vs https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossView/
And there is definitely a difference between them. If you try to view a cross view image using parallel view, it will look weird and not be easy to focus. Maybe the egg crate image was different?
Here's a quick test: https://i.redd.it/g5ilwgk99r781.jpg
Parallel view is easy for me but it takes a bit of effort for me to see cross view. For cross view, I start by looking cross-eyed at my nose and then try to see the image without fully uncrossing my eyes.