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jorvi12/08/20241 replyview on HN

It is not a racket when the website owners are mass-injecting trackers and security risks into my browser. Some egregious pages have 700+ (!!) ad partners.

Hell, it is the opposite of a racket because other adblockers / adblocking people pay zilch. That is the racket. Any BAT user is a +70% gain.

I’ll pay you. I won’t compromise my devices for you.



OK, even if we say that the ads from the website creator are not legitimate, it doesn't make the ads from brave legitimate.

Try to think about this from the perspective of another person instead of yourself.

Or think about this comparison: I own a bar where I sell drinks to the general public. Then some businessman comes in, throws out my bar staff and starts selling his own drinks to the guests, and offers 10% of revenue to me. Is that fair and honest? Who was the legitimate drink seller and who wasn't? Now you can say that alcohol is bad for your health and shouldn't be sold at all, and that you as a customer don't care. But it is very clear who is legit and who isn't.

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