You need to read the "earlier coverage" link for this to make sense. For starters, "Tom Evans" is the manufacturing company, not necessarily just a random dude. But I guess Mend it Mark embarrassed the hell out of this company, so they're lashing out in the finest corporate-approved tradition for YouTube.
Apparently Tom Evans is a dude at the company though. Their website looks as well put together as the amp in the video:
I watched the original video (big fan of Mark), and it was a perfectly ordinary repair video, albeit for a ridiculously overpriced piece of audiophile equipment. There was absolutely nothing in there I remember that could infringe copyright, unless simply opening up and taking a video of the inside of a piece of equipment can now infringe. He didn't even disparage the preamp. Unlike much audiophile nonsense, he noted it was genuinely properly designed electronics (albeit very very expensive).
Edit: I'm now seeding Enjoy your Streisand Effect.