Mostly unrelated, but I don't think SawStop is releasing its patent anytime soon like the article states. That SawStop press release was the CEO saying they would do so if the CPSC rule was passed, but the rule wasn't voted on. And even then they were only releasing one of their hundreds of patents.
I recall reading that the majority of their patents were expiring in the next few years and the one that they’ve offered to not enforce (rather than release) is the important one that doesn’t expire until the 2030s.
It says that at the end of the article.
> Despite previous litigation against would-be imitators of their safety brake, SawStop has committed to dedicating its original patent to the public when these new regulations go into effect.
They've pretty explicitly been willing to release all of the relevant patents. The truth is it was always a red herring for their competitors. The major players all have systems that don't rely on these patents.
Lawsuit discovery showed all of them had developed their own technology that was fine, patent wise. But it would have eaten into their profit.
Personally, I have an altendorf handguard sliding table saw, which will stop as fast as the sawstop, but not destroy the blade.