Well what's more readable, .8675309 that is understood to have an implicit zero, or the parser giving up and unexpectedly making it a string? Maybe it's not your preference but I can't see any problem with making this more robust. The trailing one is strange to me but leaving off a leading zero isn't unusual at all for written numbers in my experience.
IMO the implicit zero is just as much an issue in regular written form. The period could be overlooked quite easily, but seeing a leading 0, one will know what’s really going on.
How could the parser see it as a string? This is not YAML and JSON5 still requires quotation marks.
> Well what's more readable, .8675309 that is understood to have an implicit zero
Is it universally understood? I think it's a US / English thing. In my country I've never seen numbers written in this way and many people would not "parse" it mentally as 0.8675309